Children and (future) Parents, supported by Prediction and Professionals in Prevention, to improve Opportunity (C-4PO)

Project summary
A child’s development during pregnancy and the first 2 years of life affects health and development throughout life. This project investigates how (future) parents can best be supported during this period.
For example which characteristics in early life are associated with unfavorable development or health problems later on? Pseudonymised data on the health and development of hundreds of thousands of older children will be used, within the secure data environment of Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The research data will also remain under lock and key at CBS.
In 3 regions, the project will work with parents and professionals in maternity care and youth health care with the results of the research. By gaining an early insight into a child’s situation, they can jointly decide how (future) parents can be supported best.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr. B. Ravesteijn
Role Erasmus MC:
Verloskunde en Gyneacologie
Project website:
Funding Agency: