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Evaluation of effectiveness of the PlasmaJet Surgical device in the treatment of Advanced Stage Ovarian Cancer: a randomized controlled trial in The Netherlands (PlaComOv-study)

Project summary

Every year, approximately 900 women are operated on for metastatic ovarian cancer in the Netherlands. The most important predictor for longer survival is the removal of all tumor during this surgery. If the cancer has spread all over the intestines and the peritoneum, it is difficult to achieve a complete operation (debulking) with current surgical techniques.

In the PlaComOv study, the value of a new surgical instrument – the PlasmaJet – is compared with the traditional way of operating in metastatic ovarian cancer. With this device, very small tumor spots can be treated so that the tumor evaporates.

The primary outcome measure is the number of complete debulkings. In addition, quality of life, the need to construct a stoma and cost-effectiveness are examined.

This study is a multicenter study from Erasmus MC in the regions of Leiden and Rotterdam and in Enschede.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

Drs. G.M. Nieuwenhuyzen-de Boer

Role Erasmus MC:



Gynaecologische oncologie

Project website:

Funding Agency:
