(euCanSHare) An EU-Canada joint infrastructure for next-generation multi-Study Heart research

Project summary
euCanSHare will develop the first centralised, secure and sustainable platform for enhanced cross-border data sharing and multi-cohort personalised medicine research in cardiology. At its heart, the platform will contain the most comprehensive cardiovascular data catalogue ever assembled, which will facilitate data discoverability and exploitation in full alignment with the FAIR principles. The project will implement the interoperability of currently fragmented yet mature IT solutions developed by the consortium members for generating a comprehensive multi-functionality platform. It will also integrate major cardiovascular data sources from Europe and Canada, including the renowned MORGAM, BiomarCaRE and CAHHM initiatives. euCanSHare’s legal framework will be built through detailed ethical and legal interoperability analysis, while investigating innovative solutions for promoting responsible Open Science based on the emerging blockchain technology.
The consortium will deliver the most comprehensive cardiovascular data catalogue ever assembled, which will facilitate data discoverability and exploitation in full alignment with the FAIR principles.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
Horizon 2020